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Church of St Thomas Becket, Salisbury


Behind the Haunch of Venison pub is the church of St Thomas Becket. The Church is a grade I listed building, originally built in 1220, then rebuilt in 1450. It’s well known for its “Doom” mural which was completed in 1475. At the front of church is the graveyard which is known to be haunted by a grey lady who wanders through the graves. She has also reputedly been seen walking up the alleyway at the side of the pub.

The Church tower can be seen from the second floor of the pub. Whilst having dinner, I enjoyed sitting and watching the two wooden figures (“jacks”) which sit under the clock face on the bell tower. At each quarter hour, the figures rotate and simulate hitting the balls with the halberd that they each hold. It was really charming. The bells are actually hit by a hammer that sits behind them. The Jacks represent men in 16th century armour and the original installation dates from 1581. The Jacks were replaced in the late 17th to early 18th century.

(this story was also written for Haunted Auckland)

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